About Albaeco

Albaeco is an independent organisation working since 1998 with strategic communication, consulting and training for companies. The organisation does everything from popular science writing to courses and strategic sustainability consulting for the public and private sector. Our goal is to translate complicated research findings into communicative insights about the interactions between nature, society and economy.


Albaeco is connected to an extensive network of international researchers from both the natural and social sciences, through long-term and close collaboration with the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), based at Stockholm University. Albaeco co-founded the SRC in 2007 and has over the years assisted SRC and many other research institutions in their efforts to reach out with research findings to the media, politicians, government agencies and resource users at local, regional and international levels.

Our clients include

UNEP, Swedish Ministry of the Environment, House of Sweden, Sida,
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, SIWI, Norwegian EPA, Stockholm Environment Institute, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and The Swedish Research Council,
H&M, Coop, ICA, Orkla Foods and Houdini Sportswear.

We work both with Swedish and English speaking clients and assignments. Please contact us for more information about our services on info@albaeco.com or using the details on our contact page